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Uniform & Equipment

School Uniform

The school colours are Green and Gold. The children wear green sweatshirts, jumpers or cardigans, grey trousers or skirts and white shirts, blouses or polo shirts, white, black or grey socks. In the summer the girls may wear green and white checked dresses and the boys can wear short trousers. All items should be individually marked with your child’s name to ensure they return home at the end of the day. Green jumpers, cardigans and sweatshirts with the Trewidland Logo are compulsory.

PE Kit

All children need black shorts and plain white tee shirts, plimsolls/trainers and spare socks, clearly marked, in a PE bag. These should be available in school throughout the week.

Uniform Supplier

Parents can access the uniform supplier directly using an online link set up with Wovina in Bodmin. You can go online at, click on the list of schools and find the options for Trewidland School.

Alternatively, you may telephone 01208 833070 to now order the following items all with the Trewidland School logo; Cardigan, Child fleece, Adult fleece.

All items are available secondhand, please contact the school for more information. 


Jewellery is inappropriate with school uniform. Indeed, it can be dangerous, especially in PE lessons. We would ask that no jewellery be worn in school except stud earrings and watches.

The use of hair products, such as colouring, spray, gel etc., is not considered appropriate in school.

Regarding footwear, our ideal is that all children should wear ‘sensible’ black shoes and not trainers or canvas shoes. High-heeled or platform shoes are dangerous and unsuitable in the playground, so are unacceptable for school use. In summer, adequately supportive sandals with socks may be worn, but beach shoes are unacceptable.